Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thursday Orchestra Practice

Beginning tomorrow all orchestra students will be practicing in the afternoon.  If you have orchestra lessons on Monday please bring your instrument in and bring it directly to the orchestra room.  If you have orchestra on Thursday follow the normal routine. : ) Thank you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Newsletter 3-12 to 3-16

3/20 – First day of spring
3/21 – PTA meeting 6:30 in library
3/22 – Book order due
3/23 No School
3/28 – CapCom writing contest entry due

This week’s topics:
·         Writing – We’ll begin working on ELA NYS test book 3 which asks us to go through the writing process while comparing two texts
·         CafĂ© – note taking
·         Vocabulary – equivalent, mixed number, improper fraction, adaptation, camouflage
·         Spelling –suffixes –ion, -ness, -able, -less, -ful
·         Grammar – verbs

This week’s topics:
·         Mixed numbers
·         Improper fractions
·         Drawing a picture to solve a problem
·         Review of chapter 13
·         Test Friday

          We were so excited to kick of our NYS Animal Research project!  Each student in our class was assigned a NYS animal and a partner from Ms. Smith’s class.  As a team, they will be note taking from books, encyclopedias, and internet site to gain information for a power point presentation.  They’ll learn all about habitats, classification, movement, appearance, etc. of the animal.  Wait to you see the finished products!