Friday, April 12, 2013

Come and Sing Along!

Here is a link to a Test taking song that we listened to a few times in class.  The kids really enjoyed it and it's a great reminder to slow down, don't get overly stressed and do your best!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Upcoming Dates

Today the class and I reviewed the "End of the Year at a Glance" document which is on golden paper and in their silver folders. You will find important dates regarding NYS tests, field trips and activities that are upcoming. Please try to avoid scheduling anything during these times as most events cannot be "made up".  The end of the year is coming up so quick!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Welcome back!

Welcome back from Spring Break!  We have a lot to do this month! Please remember that NYS testing will take place April 16th-18th (ELA) and April 24th-26th (math).  All students should be to school on time, well rested and with a good breakfast.  Any extra reading and math you can do at home will only benefit your student. I'm asking that all students start bringing home their math text books nightly to brush up on chapters we have already learned. You could use the "extra practice" section in the back or the chapters themselves to review. Thanks for your continued support. : )