Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Library Media Center's Information

We've been spending time looking at all the resources Shatekon has to offer our students. One under-used resource is the Library Media Center link off of the Shatekon Homepage. Per the students request, I'm listing the usernames and passwords so you can access the links at home. :)

Shatekon Media Center

1.       Type in

2.       Click on Shatekon (at top right)

3.       Click on Library Media Center

4.       Click on Databases


Username: shencsd

Password: bookflix


Brain POP!

Username: shatekon

Password: Albany



Username: 63-79594

Password: bigchalk


Exploring Nature

Username: capital13

Password: capital13



Username: empirelink

Password: empirelink



Username: shatekon

Password: shatekon



Username: capreg

Password: boces

Password: capregionboces


World Book Online Gold

Username: shatekon

Password: shatekon





Chapter 4 - Math Re-test

Yesterday, our class took a Chapter 4 Math Test.  Because many children struggled with the directions and/or concepts on this assessment, I feel it is best to give the children a second opportunity for this test. Not all students are required to take the test; it is an option. The higher of the two scores will be taken as the grade.

To prepare for the re-test, please go over the test with your student and discuss where the errors were. Also, feel free to use any questions from Chapter 4 in either the colored book or the black and white. The Re-Test will be Friday, December 20, 2013.