Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Newsletter 1-30

2/6 Report cards will be sent home.  Please send back envelope and comment sheet filled out.
2/15 – PTA meeting 6:30 in the library
2/20-2/24 – Winter recess. No school
Students are responsible for bringing library books back to school one week after they are checked out to renew or return.

This week’s topics:
·         Writing –We are participating in the great “Dodgeball Debate”  - opinion essays
·         Café – author study – We will present our project in groups on Wednesday.  We’ll also review cause and effect in text.    
·         Vocabulary – ruler, area, perimeter, claim, raw material, Northwest Passage, expedition, Columbian exchange
·         Spelling – ie, ei, eigh spelling patterns (long e and a)
·          Grammar – pronouns and antecedents

This week’s topics:
·       Review chapter 11 topics (customary and metric units, converting, temperature, area, perimeter)
·       Chapter 11 test Friday

We continue to discuss famous explorers from long ago.  We’ve focused mostly on Christopher Columbus, Samuel De Champlain, Henry Hudson and Jacque Cartier.  These men explored and made a mark on New York State!  We will be having a quiz soon about their accomplishments.  Make sure to help your student study the information at home.  On our 4th grade webpage there are many great links that can help with studying under subject information – social studies.